Your Damp Basement Solution
RadonSeal Deep-Penetrating Basement Concrete Sealer has been the leading penetrating concrete sealer for preserving and protecting indoor and outdoor poured concrete, and concrete blocks, since its inception in the late 1990s. Used commercially to strengthen and protect concrete, and high-strength cementitious building materials, against rebar corrosion. Used residentially for waterproofing poured concrete, concrete blocks, cinder blocks, and limestone.
RadonSeal is a water-based, zero VOC, nano-chemical, clear, non-film forming, reactive-based concrete basement sealer. The concrete sealer works by penetrating deep below the surface of concrete, sealing the pores, capillaries, fractures, and air voids that make concrete porous.
RadonSeal helps waterproof concrete by restricting the infiltration of water vapor, capillary water seepage, soil gases, and efflorescence. Use RadonSeal for sealing basement concrete. It helps aid in reducing basement humidity, moisture, damp proofs concrete, radon, and soil gas transmission.
It increases surface strength, and hardens indoor and outdoor concrete surfaces, helping reduce; dusting, crazing, concrete cracking, freeze-thaw damage, deicing chemical damage, and efflorescence.
Give Your Concrete the Strength It Needs
Unlike concrete waterproofing paints, epoxy coatings, and other chemical sealers marketed towards enhancing the surface appearance and beading water, RadonSeal Deep-Penetrating Concrete Sealer should be your first choice for protecting and preserving indoor and outdoor concrete, new and old.
Unlike topical non-breathable concrete sealants, RadonSeal does not trap water because it does not form a membrane over the concrete surface. It will never delaminate because it allows concrete to breathe and dry out. RadonSeal is a nano-chemical concrete sealer that penetrates deep below the surface, chemically reacting with Portland cement, expanding, densifying, and sealing those pesky pores and capillaries of concrete that allow water vapor and soil gases to escape through.
RadonSeal will not alter the appearance of the concrete. It does not yellow because it does not leave behind a glossy coating, nor will it change the surface friction of concrete, making it inherently slip-resistant and paintable. Simply put, RadonSeal seals the “matrix or geometry” of concrete.
These important characteristics make RadonSeal widely considered the best commercial concrete sealer for high-vehicular traffic areas, sidewalks, ramps, concrete pilings, facades, retaining walls, parking lots, elevator pits, and warehouse floors for over 25 years.
Residentially, RadonSeal is used to seal concrete driveways, garage floors, basement walls, concrete blocks, basement floors, crawlspaces, foundations, pool decks, patios, limestone, and other high-quality concrete. Use before the application of concrete waterproofing paints, epoxy floor coatings, wet-look sealants, concrete levelers, floating slabs, wood floors, and adhesives.
For the homeowner, RadonSeal is safe to apply because it contains ZERO VOCs, is solvent-free, does not off-gas, is non-toxic, and is a noncorrosive concrete sealer. Safe to be used indoors, outdoors, basements, and crawlspaces.
RadonSeal® Standard
RadonSeal Standard is a water-based, reactive, penetrating concrete basement sealer. Used commercially to seal new concrete. Recommended for poured concrete less than 20-years and outdoor concrete less than 2-years old (can be applied to old concrete). Coverage & Application.

RadonSeal® Plus +
Maximum-strength penetrating sealer. Used for more porous concrete and blocks. Recommended for concrete and cinder blocks, poured concrete older than 20-years, and outdoor concrete older than 2-years (can be applied to new concrete). Coverage & Application.

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The Permanent Concrete Sealer
RadonSeal is a clear, water-based, reactive basement concrete sealer that works by penetrating below porous concrete surfaces (up to 4″ deep). It will then chemically react with free lime and alkali (Portland Cement), continuously cure, hardening as a silicate mineral, expanding within the geometry of concrete, and sealing the pores, capillaries, and fractures that give the concrete its porosity.
The seal RadonSeal provides within the concrete is inherent. Once cured, it can never wear away, delaminate, or peel off. It is completely resistant to negative-side water pressure and can never be “pushed out” of the concrete. The seal becomes integral to the concrete itself. No reapplication is ever required. It is like injecting more cement into your concrete!
RadonSeal Waterproofs Concrete Below the Surface
Applying RadonSeal helps to protect below-grade concrete, slab-on-grade construction, cellars, basement walls, crawlspaces, and subterranean commercial concrete. Use it to combat groundwater seepage, moisture, dampness, water vapor, damp concrete blocks, humidity, and sweating garage floors.
Outdoor foundation wall coatings and vapor barriers underneath slabs do not last forever (or were never installed). When exterior dampproofing barriers begin to break down, wear, and crack, RadonSeal will be the last line of defense against water infiltration. Seal interior and exterior foundation walls and basement floors before applying damp-proofing membranes (tar, asphalt, rubberized coatings).
RadonSeal Concrete Sealer adds further concrete waterproofing protection by blocking capillary water seepage and water vapor transmission. By minimizing vapor transmission rates, the concrete sealer helps alleviate (if not stop) the leaching of efflorescence and salt deposits to the surface. Applying RadonSeal will help protect and extend the life of concrete waterproofing paints or epoxy moisture coatings, which can be pushed off the surface by efflorescence buildup underneath.
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RadonSeal Strengthens Concrete Surfaces
In addition to the concrete sealer’s waterproofing capabilities, RadonSeal helps to strengthen and densify the concrete. By strengthening concrete, RadonSeal helps preserve the integrity of the substrate against concrete dusting, cracking, concrete spalls, surface crazing, aggregate pop-outs, and minor defects due to surface traffic.
As a concrete densifier, RadonSeal protects outdoor concrete against freeze-thaw, deicing chemicals, vehicular traffic, rebar corrosion, acid rain, lawn irrigation systems, and unsightly efflorescence.
Helps Reduce Radon & Soil Gases
Radon gas can flow into homes, basements, and crawlspaces through openings, voids, cracks, gaps, sump pits, pipe protrusions, hollow-core concrete block walls, and even the pores of concrete (like water vapor does).
“Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. Nationally, the EPA estimates that about 21,000 people die each year from radon-related lung cancer. Only smoking causes more lung cancer deaths.” – Source: EPA, United States Environmental Protection Agency
The health risks are proportional to the radon levels in your home. There is no “safe” radon level. The EPA recommends homes be fixed if the radon level is 4 pCi/L or higher and also advises that Americans consider mitigation if the home is between 2 pCi/L and 4 pCi/L.
While there are many different reasons for elevated levels of radon in a home, sealing cracks, voids, and holes (the paths of least resistance) can help reduce radon levels in homes. Applying RadonSeal to basement concrete walls and floors can also aid in providing an effective mitigation method for potential flow through the capillaries of the concrete.
In comparison to fan-based mitigation systems, sealing the paths of least resistance and applying a radon sealer to concrete can sometimes save on the initial cost and operating costs year after year.
Basement Sealer for Foundation Walls & Floors
RadonSeal Concrete Sealer is most often applied to restrict moisture, capillary water seepage, water vapor, and efflorescence on indoor, below-grade foundation walls, basement floors, slab-on-grade construction, foundation concrete blocks walls, retaining walls, and sweating garage slabs. In addition to the waterproofing capabilities, RadonSeal is used to strengthen and densify concrete, indoors and outdoors. Helping to preserve and protect against concrete dusting, cracking, efflorescence, and spalls.
RadonSeal Standard and RadonSeal Plus are the strongest formulated silicate-based concrete sealers because they penetrate deeper, carry more active minerals into the concrete, and seal tighter than other concrete basement sealers. Penetration does not rely upon gravity to penetrate, it penetrates by capillary action allowing for use on basement walls and concrete ceilings.
Because excavating foundation walls is expensive and often not always feasible, RadonSeal is commonly applied to the inside of the basement and foundation walls. However, if there is an opportunity to apply it to both sides of the concrete walls, it has the added advantage of preserving the exterior surface of the concrete and extending the life of any waterproofing coating by protecting it against saponification caused by alkalis from the concrete.

Use Before Applying Paint, Epoxy, and Hardwood Flooring
When applied to a sufficiently porous concrete surface, RadonSeal leaves the surface paintable (does not bead water). Sealing damp concrete floors and damp basement walls with high-moisture rates is recommended before applying floor coatings, paints, adhesives, mastic, gloss finish epoxy or urethane coatings, wet-look sealers, concrete overlays, surface levelers, or moisture-sensitive flooring (wood floors).
RadonSeal seals concrete floors to greatly reduce the wicking of water, and water vapor through the pores and capillaries of the concrete. Deep-sealing a concrete slab helps block efflorescence which protects epoxy coatings and paints from cracking and peeling. Applying RadonSeal helps protect clear coatings from delamination and blushing and hardwood floors from trapping moisture, leading to buckling and mold growth.
For more info on how RadonSeal works, efflorescence, the “alkali attack,” and how to protect concrete, paints, and flooring against deterioration, visit RadonSeal – Your First Choice for Sealing Concrete.
Lifetime Guarantee
RadonSeal is backed by a lifetime guarantee. Please review the RadonSeal Waterproofing Guarantee in detail.
The RadonSeal Advantage for Concrete
Choosing to ignore using a concrete sealer would be similar to not sealing and protecting wood surfaces. Using RadonSeal on indoor and outdoor concrete provides several benefits to the concrete, your home, basement or crawlspace, garage slab, and outdoor concrete:
- Concrete Waterproofing – Restricts capillary water seepage, water vapor, and concrete moisture.
- Vapor Transmission – Reduces water transmission rates, helping protect moisture-sensitive flooring, tiles, levelers, paint, and epoxy coatings.
- Efflorescence – Helps stop or minimize efflorescence and salt deposits.
- Concrete Hardener – Strengthens concrete surfaces flint hard. Protects concrete against freeze-thaw, road salts, and deicing chemicals.
- Radon Mitigation – Can help in reducing radon by restricting the infiltration of soil gases through concrete capillaries and pores.
- Reduces Cracking – Protects against the rusting and expansion of rebar, which can cause cracking and spalling.
- ZERO VOCs – Eco-Friendly, no solvents, no noxious odors or fumes, non-corrosive, and non-flammable. Safe for indoor use.
- Deep-Cleans – Helps protect paints and epoxy by purging contaminants and sub-efflorescence to the surface. Purges minor oil and grease spills and animal urine to the surface.
- User Friendly – Water-based (not solvent-based). Apply simply by using a low-pressure, hand-pump “garden or bug” sprayer.
- Breathable Concrete Sealer – Does not trap water vapor, yellow, or delaminate.
- Mold Remediation – Can help minimize mold and mildew growth in basements and crawlspaces.
- Musty Odors – Can help alleviate musty basement odors by reducing moisture and indoor humidity.
- Neutralizes Alkalis – Reduces high pH helping to improve the success of water-based stains and concrete paints. Ideal for reducing pH in fish and koi ponds, dog kennels, and animal stables.