Our goal is to provide the highest-quality sealers, care, and repair products for indoor or outdoor concrete, bricks, masonry, and basements coupled with excellent customer service to both homeowners and contractors. To help us achieve this, your feedback is important to us and to other customers. We appreciate you taking the time to share your stories about our products and how they are working for you. Thank you!
- Waterproofing Concrete, Wet Basements, Koi Ponds
- Sealing Damp Basements against Moisture, Mold, High Humidity
- Sealing Basements against Radon Gas
- Staining with LastiSeal® Concrete Stain & Sealer
- Sealing Outdoor Concrete
- Sealing Bricks, Masonry, and Stones
- Repairing Cracks in Foundation Walls and Concrete Floors
- BioZap™ for Cleaning Mold and Purifying Musty Odors Naturally
- Hi & Dry™ Battery and Water-Powered Backup Sump Pumps
- Concrete Cleaners, Removing Paint and Efflorescence
- Customer Service
- Major Customers
Waterproofing Concrete, Basements, Roofs, Koi Ponds
Read all the feedback in full at Waterproofing concrete and basements.
Problem: Seeping Basement Floor, Leaking Walls Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
… ordered radon seal and applied to the basement walls and floor over 1 1/2 years ago. Up until that point the basement was a mess. The floor seeped and the walls leaked. … Since then, the basement has been dry, the musty smell is gone….
Problem: Leaking Basement Floor Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
… water was actually puddling in the middle of the room … Radon seal … no more water in fact no more moisture! That was 5 years ago and still no problems…
Problem: Floor Dampness Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
… trouble installing new flooring and were very concerned about moisture issues … talked to many flooring experts. All decided that RadonSeal was the right stuff … On top of the seal we installed a floating laminate wood floor and porcelain tile …
Problem: Leaking Concrete Floor Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
Problem: Shop Floor Wicking Water Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
… a new 5,000 sq foot building and the concrete slab was incorrectly poured with neither a rock base or vapor barrier … unusable structure with major wicking of ground water up through the entire slab to the point that puddles formed. … two coats of Radon Seal which cured the water problem and then put on two coats of whitewash Lastiseal as a finish. The result is a dry beautiful slab…
Problem: Curing and Waterproofing Concrete Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
… very happy with RadonSeal… have found it to be excellent for curing and then, sealing concrete. I have been building houses for years but have never seen or heard of any other product that could compare to it!
Problem: High pH in Koi Pond Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
The PH in my 4,000 gallon koi pond was getting very high … applied Radonseal on the concrete floor of the pond – refilled it and the PH dropped instantly. Been stable for 6 years….
Problem: Basement Water Infiltration Product Used: RadonSeal & Ion-Bond Armor
… a general contractor who recently used Radon Seal and Ion Bond Armor to resolve a serious water infiltration problem in a basement, I must say I am 110% impressed … We tried other sealers but they did not do the job and were a pain to remove."…
Problem: Basement Waterproofing Sealers Failed Product Used: Ion-Bond Armor
… have tried Drylock, ThoroSeal. Locktite, and Rockite. None of these products worked…. applied your product Ion-Bond Armor on Saturday morning and on Sunday and Monday it rained all day…. there was no water when I got home from work…
Problem: Concrete Roof Water Seepage Product Used: Ion-Bond Armor
… concrete roof here in Texas. We had some small cracks … your Ion-Bond Armor … Wow! Not a drip .. After a rain the water just beads up and rolls off the roof. …
Sealing Damp Basements and Floors against Moisture, Mold, Musty Odor
Read all the feedback in full at Sealing damp basements.
Problem: High Humidity, Musty Smell, Dehumidifier Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
… the relative humidity in the basement rooms would constantly hover between low 60% to high 70%. … a definite “musty smell” … a heavy duty dehumidifier… worked endlessly to hold the humidity level to 50%. … Since applying the RadonSeal… the relative humidity is holding at 44 to 46% without the use of the dehumidifier! …
Problem: Damp Spots, Musty Smell, Dehumidifier Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
… sealed my entire basemen. … Radonseal has done a wonderful job on the moisture problem. I have a dehumidifier and it doesn’t even run any more. Before radonseal the basement smelled damp and had water spots. Now it doesn’t smell musty or have any water at all. It is nice and dry!…
Problem: Crumbling Concrete Walls, Mold, Basement Smell Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
… 100 year old basement walls … before RadonSeal, our walls were literally crumbling, the basement smelled terrible and there was mildew everywhere… RadonSeal Plus and have had no crumbling or water related problems for over 3 years… RadonSeal will help us sell our home because the basement will look and smell better…
Problem: Nasty Pungent Odor, Radon Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
… repaired several issues with the foundation, but a nasty smell remained… I bought RadonSeal as prevention for Radon and to prevent moisture buildup… the next day we went downstairs and like magic – that mildew smell for months?? GONE!! Completely and totally gone!! … finished for almost 1 year now and we have had no problems with moisture, radon, or that nasty, musty smell…
Problem: Musty Smell, Mildew, Basement Tiles Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
… that well known musty/concrete smell and mildew to form on anything stored for long… RadonSeal… covered the floor with linoleum tile using standard mastic… after over 8 years, the pantry has been dry clean with no musty smell or mildew on anything stored there. The tiles have stayed absolutely flat and secure and bone dry…
Problem: Damp Concrete, Musty Smell, Mold Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
… basement is poured concrete from 1910. The walls are 14". The basement had very high humidity, with damp spots on the walls and floor, and was always musty and moldy … smell in our house… excavated, put in weeping tile, insulated, and waterproofed from the outside, but the musty smell and mold was still there along with damp spots on the walls, and floor. This cost us $10,000… 2 pails of Radon Seal Plus… The basement is very dry now. The musty mold smells are gone, and I am finally going to finish the basement…
Problem: Pet Odors, Molds Product Used: RadonSeal and BioZap Air Purifier
… a home that was on the counties list for demo because of Ferrell cats and dogs … After using the other products … the odors would never reseed. … Radon Seal … wow what a difference a day made… It’s been four months and my house smells CLEAN… try the BIO ZAP product to keep the mold spores from growing …I could not even make it out of the house before I could smell the “clean air”…. THIS PRODUCT WORKS. Bar none the best on the market…
Problem: Condensation in Crawlspace, Mold on Joists Product Used: RadonSeal, LastiSeal, BioZap
… crawlspace wasn’t encapsulated & moisture barrier not applied 100%. Some the ductwork had condensation and mold was noted on the floor joists… RadonSeal Plus… for my cinderblock foundation areas, Lastiseal for the brick areas & BioZap for the mold removal and future prevention… I was pleasantly surprised. The BioZap is also working well to remove the mold… will eliminate the need for a dehumidifier…
Problem: Condensation on Concrete Floor Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
… applied the radon sealer couple years ago. The floor in my shop used to get wet from condensation every spring. It has worked GREAT! I have a dry floor year round…
Problem: Sweating Garage Floor Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
… my garage floor recently started to sweat… In Arkansas the humidity is always very high and I was having a moisture problem in my garage. The walls were starting to show signs of mold and the floor was very wet on certain days… Radon Seal.. "no" problem with moisture… looks just like it did when the house was new…
Sealing Basements against Radon Gas
Read all the feedback in full at Sealing against radon.
Problem: Radon, Wet Basement Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
… applied (4) coats of the RadonSeal Plus to the block walls and (2) coats to the floor of my very damp basement. In the past the walls were always wet at the bottom… Within days, I no longer had any standing water or wet walls. The radon test results… from 5.1 pCi/L to 0.3 pCi/L…
Problem: Very High Radon Level, Dampness Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
… 6 year old house… Pennsylvania (South Central). Floor is poured slab, about 2,600 sq feet, walls are block, some signs of moisture… After RadonSeal, I saw a drop in Radon… from 64 pCi to 2 pCi! … I might get away with not installing a subfloor and just lay tile right on concrete….
Problem: Radon, High Humidity Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
… purchased two pails of RadonSeal to help lower my Radon level of 3.7 pCi/L recorded in my basement… high humidity levels with water seepage with standing water on some parts of the 1600 sq.ft. I applied three coats of RadonSeal and two days later recorded Radon levels of 1.0 pCi/L. My water seepage and standing water problems disappeared…
Problem: High Radon Level Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
… our basement now is reading 2.0, checked at 2 different locations. Not bad for starting at 29 pCi/L! The house has been closed up…. I have the drains covered with plastic, but not sealed…
Problem: High Radon Level Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
… Radonseal worked like a charm! …concrete floor and cinder block walls in my basement. I used 3 pails of Radonseal… dropped the radon reading from 18 to 0.7…
Problem: Radon Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
… at 3.6 pci/l, which is 4 under the suggested limit but its still cancer causing… sprayed on Radonseal… dropped the level of radon to 0.1pci/l!!! …
Problem: Radon Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
… sold our house and before the closing bought a new one. Then came the bad news that our old house tested for radon at 5.6! … RadonSeal.. asked the inspector to test again… now only 1.8!
Problem: Radon Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
… before closing the home inspector measured radon at 9.5 pCi. We negotiated a $1,000 credit for radon mitigation… RadonSeal … reduced radon from 9.5 down to 1.6 pCi!…
Problem: Radon, Water Vapor Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
Twelve years ago I sprayed Radon Seal on my basement walls and floor (new construction)… taped clear plastic to the floor in numerous places, and left it there for many months. Not a single drop of water …a radon tester running 24 hrs a day… radon levels went from over 12 pCi/L when we bought the house, down to an average of 1.4 in summer and 1.8 pCi/L in the winter…
Staining Concrete with LastiSeal® Concrete Stain & Sealer
Read all the feedback in full at Staining and sealing concrete with LastiSeal.
Visit Our Customer Photo Gallery
Surface: Concrete Driveway
“When I first started to look into Concrete Driveway Sealant, I thought I would do the usual and head to one of the local home improvement stores near home. But, I investigated first on the internet to find out what they offered. Then I dug deeper and deeper into companies online, to where I finally got to the point, I didn’t know what kind to order. ‘Radon Seal’ was one of those websites I checked out. But, I still wasn’t sure. After I checked into all the sealants I could find, I found myself more and more, going back to Radon Seal site. I’m happy I did. First, I ordered the Sample Bottle of ‘LastiSeal’ and I tried it out in Desert Sand…”
Surface: Concrete Floors, Porch
… Everyone who has seen our floors, bar none, cannot believe that they are concrete! I scored the floors with a diamond saw prior to applying the sealer. My wife used a sponge to texture the sealer and everyone thinks that the floors are natural stone… used a gallon of LastiSeal Stain outside on part of our porch. I also purchased a cheaper penetrating stain… Now when it rains it is clear that your product is far superior…
Surface: Concrete Floor
The job went perfectly and the customer is overwhelmed with satisfaction… Your “Efflorescence Cleaner” did exactly what the info claimed it would and the Rustic Brown “LastiSeal Concrete Stain & Sealer” is just gorgeous and gives that stained look without all the hassle of chemical processes…
Surface: Concrete Foundation Slab
… floors sealed with LastiSeal Concrete Stain canyon brown. The pictures do not do justice to the way they really look… we scored the floors… My wife used a spray bottle to apply the stain in several coats, thicker in the score lines, and then used a natural sponge to achieve the textured look. The floors are extremely easy to maintain and my wife uses one of those mop things with the throw away pads… The Woodland Olive in our bedroom turned out really well and we also used the rocky gray color in one of the bedrooms…
Surface: Backyard Concrete Patio
… first application of LastiSeal Concrete Color Stain. We used the Dark Gray for the first application and then applied Slate Green on the the diamonds. By Brush and Roller we applied a 2nd coating to each diamond in the appropriate color. Then finally we applied LastiSeal Concrete & Brick Sealer in the Satin Finish. The cement is REALLY sealed so nicely and feels great when you walk on it. Also water just runs off. Amazing!!…
Surface: Pool Deck, Stamped Concrete
… it looks awesome!! … The pool deck is stamped concrete. We started with the Cordova Tan as a base coat then “faux” sealed, using a rag, with Rich Earth to give it dimension. The pavers outlining the deck were also sealed with Rich Earth… added 2 coats of an acrylic base sealer from Home Depot… The patio is concrete stamped like wood planks so we used just the Rich Earth to color seal this area to give it a dark stained wood appearance…
Surface: Concrete Driveway
… applied 2 coats of your LastiSeal Color Stain to my 6-year old concrete driveway primarily to enhance its appearance. Used the Rustic Brown which closely matches the brick on my house and sidewalk. Can’t begin to tell you what an incredibly positive change it has made in the driveway’s look! …
Surface: Basement Floor
… grinding the old paint off my basement floor… applying RadonSeal from our old house built in 1960. I applied laminate flooring on top of the RadonSeal to a living area in the basement, and sealed a laundry room and bathroom with the two different LastiSeal Concrete Stain colors, after having applied the RadonSeal first… LastiSeal Concrete Stains with an initial application with the Rustic Brown, then applying a light coat of Rich Earth over the top, then sealing it with a clear sealer… The laundry room was basically all Rich Earth Concrete Stain LastiSeal…
Surface: Covered Patio, Garage Floor
… having the LastiSeal Concrete Stain on for a few months now. I converted part of my covered patio for a cycle garage.. and it came out so well, I will be doing another section of the patio. Oil spills are just wiped up, and tire marks don’t show at all…
Surface: Concrete Garage Floor
The LastiSeal Color Sealer has turned out great!… The garage floor had oil on it for years and rust spots everywhere… originally sealed also. I spent a lot of time degreasing & cleaning with your products (Novion Concrete Cleaner and Lightning Strip), I did two acid washes with the EasyEtch scrubbing hard, and rinsed very well ending with a pH below 9 (I had pH paper)… used 2 coats of “Rich Earth”, the 2nd sponged on to accentuate a mottled finish. All I cared was to cover and hide the old cement floor stains…
Sealing Outdoor Concrete
Read all the feedback in full at Sealing outdoor concrete.
Surface: Sidewalks, Parking Lot Problem: Snow/Ice Removal Product Used: DryWay Repellent Sealer
Ice melt costs us $1,000.00 per pallet… DryWay sealer paid for itself in the first year (not including the savings in labor)! We used a quarter of our normal amount of ice melt to treat our “bad spots” – concrete stairways and sidewalks through our campus… able to use our riding 6’ sweeper (attachment for one of our mowing units) to clear our walkways this year. The snow and ice didn’t bind to the concrete as in years past…
Surface: Driveway and Walkways Product Used: DryWay Water-Repellent Concrete Sealer
… applied Dryway to the concrete slabs on the side of my house. I am a repeat customer having used Dryway on my driveway and front walks last month. This is easy to apply with no odor just a pleasant scent… I was so impressed with the water repellency after I did the driveway that I decided to do the side also…
Surface: Driveway Problem: Crumbled Concrete, Spalling, Cracks Product Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
… heavier than normal ice storms and my concrete driveway paid the price. There were divots almost everywhere… two large areas (2 to 3 feet in diameter) in which the top 1/2 inch or so of the concrete had crumbled away. This process had also started a crack. Radonseal completely solved the problem – no further erosion, chipping, flaking, etc…
Surface: Sidewalks Problem: Chewing Gum Product Used: DryWay Water-Repellent Sealer
DryWay prevents chewing gum from bonding to concrete and cleanup of those black, cancerous spots is a much simpler process. The gum lifts right off with very little residue left behind. Before the sealer, we could only chip away tiny fragments at a time and there was always a significant (unsightly) amount that we’d have to leave in the pores because we just couldn’t justify spending that much time per gum wad…
Surface: Concrete Driveway Product Used: RadonSeal and DryWay
Applied RadonSeal on new driveway. Went on easy, dried without streaking (which was a problem my neighbor had with a sealer he used), clean-up was easy, and most importantly, the driveway looks great! I liked the fact that this strengthens and extends the life of the concrete and that it is a
permanent bond! … DryWay sealer to further protect the surface from oil spills and road salts…

Sealing Brick, Masonry, and Stone
Read all the feedback in full at Sealing bricks and masonry.
Problem: Faded Brick Product Used: LastiSeal Brick & Masonry Sealer (Satin)
… covered half my house with the LastiSeal Satin sealer. It took about 7 gallons… It actually changed my original red and black brick BACK to its original color… I will be buying another 5 gallons to finish the house completely… neighbor even came over to ask my why my house looks so much different… it will seal for years but getting my original brick color back was SWEEEEEEET!…
Problem:Paver Patios and Paved Walkways Product Used: LastiSeal Brick Sealer
… applied this two different paver patios the results convinced me to apply it to my paver walkway. it keeps the pavers looking new and clean, is easy to apply, and causes water to bead.…
Problem: Faded Stone Floor Product Used: LastiSeal Brick Sealer (Satin)
… Lastiseal Masonry sealer in the satin finish to seal our indoor stone floor. After the 1st application the floor appeared cloudy in spots. We decide to apply a second coat to see if this would fix the problem, and it did. The floor came out BEAUTIFUL, we couldn’t be happier with the results. The Lastiseal brought out the natural colors of the stone as if it were wet, bonded the entire floor together and made it stronger than ever…
Problem: Pitting Concrete Sculptures Product Used: LastiSeal Brick Sealer
… let you know how much I like your product, Lastiseal Masonry & Brick Sealer. I use it for the final sealer on my concrete sculptures. The best product I have found…
Repairing Cracks in Foundation Walls and Concrete Floors
Read all the feedback in full at Repairing cracks in concrete walls and floors.
Problem: Hairline Cracks in Basement Walls Product Used: DIY Crack Injection Kits
… poured cement wall cracks (hairline vertical) to stop water leaking into my finished cellar. This is by far the best DO IT YOURSELF product I’ve ever came across… This product works Fantastic!!!! No digging outside, but penetrated all the way through to the outside… Contractors quoted me $650.00 a piece to fix them…
Problem: Water Seepage through Crack Product Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
… what an incredible product you have in your Concrete Crack Injection Kit! It is the absolute best thing on the market for repairing leaking cracks in poured foundations… No kidding, I’m very confident my 12-year old son could’ve performed this repair… I’ve had problems with this crack for several years… I did the old “back cutting and fill with hydraulic cement” repair only to find water again seeping through only 6 months later… we’ve had two torrential rain storms within three weeks and NOT A DROP of water!!!!! BONE DRY!!!! …
Problem: Foundation Cracks Product Used: PRO Cack Injection Toolkit
… I buy investment property and for the most part with the price range I deal in, you are buying ‘as is’… I’ve had a couple of leaky basements… I thought what the heck, it’s worth a try. Well, it worked! It saved me thousands I’m sure…
Problem: Foundation Crack, Leaking Pipe Penetration, Radon Product Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit, PipeTite, RadonSeal
… amazing results from using your products. Last year I injected several cracks in my foundation, as well as a leaking pipe perforation. My basement has been completely dry… to tackle my high radon problem. I applied Radonseal concrete sealer to my basement floor and walls… reduced my radon levels below the limit…
Problem: Water Infiltration through Cracks in Crawlspace Product Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
… water infiltration from leaking foundation wall cracks for 20 years. Once I found the RadonSeal website… I have repaired five cracks… covered the crawlspace floor with a concrete slab, and I can now use this space for storage!…
Problem: Black Mold, Foundation Wall Cracks Product Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit (epoxy)
… I discovered black mold behind drywall that covered the outer-wall foundation. Upon further demo, I discovered 2 vertical cracks in the foundation wall allowing water to seep in. I called a well-known local basement sealer company and was quoted $650 to seal one crack… sealed the first crack myself in about 4 hours… our basement dry & mold-free, my children can now play down there without going into an asthmatic attack…
Problem: Crack in Concrete Block Wall Product Used: ElastiPoxy Joint & Crack Filler Kit
… excellent product for repairing cracks in my basement block walls. My basement walls started getting cracks after a few years. I used many supposedly miracle products to fix the cracks and none worked… your epoxy crack filler kit… it has worked perfect. I have not had so much as a hairline crack since applying your product several years ago…
Problem: Crack in Garage Floor Product Used: CrackWeld Concrete Floor Repair Kit
… in San Juan Capistrano, CA and a few days ago we had a small 3.6 earthquake and this is about a week after I used the CrackWeld to fill small and large cracks in my garage concrete… looked just like it was before the quake. I was impressed that it help up to the stress of a small earth quake…
Problem: Leak Around Pipe Product Used: PipeTite Gap Filler Kit
Your PipeTite Injection Kit has successfully fixed the leak around a pipe through my basement wall… leaking for several years. Caulk and hydraulic cement did not work but PipeTite has held over two years now…
Problem: Cracks in Driveway Product Used: CrackWeld Concrete Floor Repair Kit
… CrackWeld 4-pack to fill many hairline cracks and several 1/4 inch cracks on my driveway and garage… over 30 years old and some of my neighbors, in the last few years had spent thousands of dollars to have their driveway repaired because of cracks… able to do all this with your product all by myself…
Problem: Cracks in Pool Deck Product Used: ElastiPoxy Joint & Crack Filler Kit
… repairing gouges, spalls, chipped edges, control joints, and cracks in a swimming pool deck. Quality of repairs made with Epoxy Crack Filler is excellent! Play sand, which is available in many colors, could be mixed with Epoxy Crack Filler to closely match the color of my “PolyPave” finish…
Problem: Leaky Basement Floor-to-Wall Joint Product Used: ElastiPoxy
… a no brainer to mix and apply… in the basement of my daughters home in Mullica Hill, New Jersey… Her basement has always been wet and leaked every time it rained. I waited until it rained where she lives to find out what the basement looked like, and lo and behold her basement is still dry after a heavy rain…
Problem:Leaking Concrete Roof Product Used: ElastiPoxy, RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
… happy with your ElastiPoxy Crack Filler and Radon Seal. For years I’ve been trying to solve a leaking concrete roof problem
by buying stuff from Home Depot, and finally I got something that does the job correctly…
BioZap™ for Cleaning Mold and Purifying Musty Odors Naturally
Read all the feedback in full at Cleaning molds and musty odors.
Problem: Moisture, Musty Smell Product Used: BioZap Air Purifier & RadonSeal
… Radon Seal Plus worked so well on my 59 year old basement floors to keep out the moisture; I decided to try your Bio Zap Air Purifier & Deodorizer to get the musty smell out… My house is for sale and when the people go down into the basement to look around they say, "MMMmm…it smells good down here!!"…
Problem: Musty Odor in Flooded Basement Product Used: BioZap Air Purifier
… flooded my basement with over 12 inches of water. After it was pumped out, it left behind a very strong musty odor. I tried using a large fan to blow the smell out of the window, but it did not work. Then, I purchased several containers of BioZap Purifier and after 1 to 2 weeks the terrible odor was completely gone…
Problem: Unbearable Musty Odor Product Used: BioZap Air Purifier
… home is 40 years old and the musty smell was really unbearable. After three days of having one BioZap tub set up in the basement and one in the fan area of the furnace, the smell is almost unnoticeable…
Problem: Mildew, Musty Odors, Crawlspace Product Used: BioZap Air Purifier, BioZap Pre-Soak
… using BioZap Air Purifier and Deodorizer for 9 years now. I live on the water… I put jars in the cold air return of my force air heating system. I also use it when I have my air condition running… gets rid of all mildew and musty odors. In the winter time I have a can of BioZap in my crawl space… less spiders and and bugs… seems that we do not get colds and flues in the winter time with BioZap air purifier … also uses the BioZap laundry pre – soak…
Problem: Musty Odor from Crawl Space Product Used: BioZap Air Purifier
… The crawl space has been our nightmare for 13 years… tried many products to get the musty odor out of our house. We had the crawl space sprayed with deodorizer products, we have several vents to circulate air, and also put a fan in one of the vents to keep the air circulating. Nothing we tried worked. The moment my husband put the BioZap Air Purifier in our crawl space the odor dissipated. The next day I walked into the house by the entrance to the crawl space, the odor was gone…
Problem: Mold Growth in a Car Wash Product Used: BioZap Mold & Mildew Cleaner
… After years of searching, I have finally found a product to remove unsightly mold from the walls in my car wash. It not only cleans the molds, but also prevents their return for two or three months even though the walls are almost constantly sprayed with water…
Problem: Mold Smell from Crawl Space, Spiders Product Used: BioZap Air Purifier
… I live in Michigan on a lake and have a crawl space. I been using the BioZap Air Purifier & Deodorizer for 4 years now. I keep one under the house in the winter time after I close my outside vents and I put some in my return side on my heating and air condition. I don’t have the moldy smell when I bought this place… I don’t have a spider problem in my house like my neighbors do…
Problem: Moldy Smell, Mildew in Basement Product Used: BioZap Air Purifier
… During the hot summer months, our basement always has a moldy mildew smell to it, not to mention the mold that is on anything it possibly can, including leather boots and shoes stored down there. Just one of the 16-oz. jars took care of the mold and mildew smell in our basement for the summer and there was no mold on the shoes and boots…
Problem: Mold in Ducts, Allergy Product Used: BioZap Air Purifier
… a real bad mold problem this past summer when severe mold odor come out of all of the cold air return vents as well as heat registers of my house, upstairs as well as downstairs. This caused us to have severe respiratory problems. My nose ran almost non stop as long as I was in the house… one big jar of BioZap… in my downstair cold air return duct… To my surprise, I could not smell a thing…
Problem: Mold and Mildew Smell, Asthma Product Used: BioZap Mold & Mildew Cleaner
… 4 years ago we used your product on our concrete floor in the basement. Our daughter had been on asthma meds for a few years and would cough during the night. After spraying the product she never coughed again through the night and we quit giving her the meds… our house is over 110 years old and had water issues for years. For the past 4 years we have never had a problem…
Problem: Germs and Odors in Classroom Product Used: BioZap Air Purifier
… a school teacher being exposed to germs and odors can be sickly– so I use some Biozap in my classroom. I keep it in a safe place, stirring it weekly, and it does a wonderful job. My husband and I use it at home, and when we run the heater/AC, it really helps with the musty/moldy smells…
Problem: Mustiness, Emphysema Product Used: BioZap Air Purifier
… heard of your BioZap product in 2005. Since I have a host of breathing problems, we decided to try your air purifier in our air conditioning vents… The mustiness is gone, and stays gone for the entire season! Nothing will make my emphysema go away but using BioZap does make it easier to breathe in my house – for everyone…
Hi & Dry™ Battery & Water Powered Backup Sump Pumps
Read all the feedback in full at Battery and hydraulic backup sump pumps
Hi & Dry Battery Powered Emergency Sump Pumps
… Since installing the RadonSeal battery backup sump pump, we have lost power for an hour or so a couple of times. Last night, however, we lost power for 10 hours during a rain storm. The RH-1400 worked like a champ and our basement stayed dry!…
… Installed the RH-1400 day before yesterday. Followed your excellent directions. Job took a couple hours… RadonSeal has been a delight to work with and very professional. Thank you…
… My buddy and I installed the battery backup sump pump RH-1400 yesterday. We were both impressed with the unit and the fact that everything we needed came with the kit. What a smooth installation! Although a little more expensive than Home Depot models, this is such a more advanced system with many advantages…
… purchased a RH1400 pump several years ago. It has served us very well during a sump failure and multiple power outages. I can sleep at night without listening for the sump to come on! Thanks for your help. This product was the best $400 I ever spent…
Hi & Dry Water-Pressure Sump Pumps
… I am just a software engineer. It took me about 3.5 hours …
… I have some experience with plumbing and this made the installation smooth, but I could see the average homeowner be able to do this as well with a friend. After testing, it was quieter than I thought but I watched the sump pit drain to the bottom in just a few minutes. This brought a big smile on my face and a huge peace of mind…
… The basement we installed it in had already flooded 2 times in one month. It had the rinky-dink Zoeller emergency pump. The new installation was very easy! We were very impressed with how fast the HB1000 removed the water in the crock! I feel the extra cost of this pump is worth it for the protection of property and belongings…
… a couple of power failures during recent strong nor-easter storms and was tired of bailing water out of my sump hole and carrying water in 5 gallon buckets outside…
… Power was out for 1-1/2 days.
Know what worked? His HB1000!!! Worked like a champ. Kept that nice home woodshop floor in his basement dry. He is VERY happy. I think he’s holding tours in his basement for neighbors…
… I had a plumber install… It was really quick, he loved it! And after having it for a few months, so do I. It works great and is very quiet…
Concrete Cleaners
Read all the feedback in full at Cleaning concrete, paint, oil, and efflorescence
Problem: Efflorescence, Green Mold Product Used: RadonSeal Efflorescence Cleaner
… I have to take care of “That White Stuff”… Best of all, you spry it on and let it dry and you’re ready to seal… After spraying the white spots, having some left I thought I’d spray a section of the wall that had the most green on it. I have to tell you I was amazed that appx an hour later when I went back downstairs the wall I sprayed was completely clean and looked like brand new…
Problem: Efflorescence, Lime Buildup Product Used: Efflorescence Cleaner, RadonSeal Plus
… After removing the original wood paneling (36 years old) from my basement walls, I found lots of thick efflorescence and lime build up over the years. After scrapping the the loose efflorescence, I sprayed the walls with the Efflorescence Cleaner and then applied coats of Radonseal Plus… The basement walls feel and look dry…
Problem: Dirty Basement Floor, Grimy Shop Floor Product Used: Novion Universal Concrete Cleaner
… Your Universal Concrete Cleaner is amazing! It has quickly cleaned my old and dirty basement floor including my grimy shop area… it has even removed floor paint which I planned to strip later on. And best of all, it is not toxic!…
Problem: Old Brick Floor, Dirty Pavers and Mortar Product Used: Novion Universal Concrete Cleaner
… scrubbing my large, family room brick floor with your Novion Universal Concrete Cleaner… The bricks are unsealed, cinnamon pavers. The floor is 32 years old. I tried a lot of different products for cleaning bricks. Yours is the best by far. The floor looks like it is brand new again. Both bricks and mortar are absolutely clean. There were no deposits left…
Problem: Painted Basement Floor Product Used: Lightning Strip, RadonSeal
… applied the lightning strip to my basement floor last night and I was so happy to be able to peel large sheets of paint off easily. Tonight I’m going to spray it on the walls and I should be able to apply Radon Seal this weekend! Works great…
Problem: Paint Stripes on Floor Product Used: Lightning Strip
… I am removing paint stripes on my shop floors and have tried over 8 other products and they didn’t work. Some I left on for 3 days, still didn’t work. Within 5 minutes your product started to work with 1 coat…
Problem: Asphalt-Based Mastic on Basement Floor Product Used: Lightning Strip
“The paint stripper works great! I’ve been removing asphalt-based mastic from my 48 year old basement floor… I had tried a different brand mastic remover… I even rented a electric rotary floor scraper… The Lightning Strip is definitely the best product I’ve found for the job. The mastic just melts with a little scrubbing, and the water cleanup is a real plus…
Problem: Carpet Adhesive in Offices Product Used: Lightning Strip
… a project that required the carpet adhesive to be removed from the existing concrete floor. This area was previously a bank of offices… We tried sanding and grinding the adhesive away, but this method did not work well. We were concerned about any solvents because of the odor involved and the safety problems associated. We tried the “Lightning Stripper” and it quickly and easily removed the old carpet adhesive completely from the concrete floor. The building was partially occupied…
Customer Service
Read all the feedback in full at Customer service feedback
… just wanted to write to tell you how nice it was dealing with your company. I ordered online and it was here quickly. Then I opened up the package and found everything, and I mean everything, to do the job… it worked as described. Thanks. It is so rare these days for companies to exceed expectations like that…
… in materials management with a 5 billion dollar company. I am more than well aware of good and (mostly) bad customer service out there.. Clearly you care and did everything possible to make this happen. Above and beyond….thank you so much…
… Your products work great, I have fixed leaks in several basements of houses I own. Your service to customers is great and ordering by phone is always pleasant and easy. Thank you for the great customer service!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
… Thank you for your prompt response i is refreshing. I saw some other products but definitely prefer dealing with a company that has great customer service and quick responses. Again thank you!…
… Just as a note I thought the service I received when I placed my order was just awesome! Congrats!…
… Thanks for all your much needed help during the process in answering all my questions! Your advice and website was extremely helpful and beneficial with so much information!!! Thanks again!!!…
… let you know what a nice experience I had dealing with a company where service to the customer is still a priority. I had ordered the middle size pump and was concerned if it would work ok with my flow rate, called you and you suggested to go down a model. Sent it back on Friday. Next Wednesday I had my new pump and my refund credit to my account. Just great service and I wanted to say thank you. A wonderful experience dealing with you…
… I purchased one of your 4 pack CrackWeld kits to repair cracks in my concrete driveway. The kit was excellent. And when one of the mixing nozzles became clogged, you have mailed me a replacement right away free of charge. Thank you. Your products and your service are the best I have ever used…