Customers’ Feedback and Tips
Injecting Cracks in Concrete Walls
Problem: Water Seepage through Cracks Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"I have to tell you what an incredible product you have in your Concrete Crack Injection Kit! It is the absolute best thing on the market for repairing leaking cracks in poured foundations. I recently purchased the kit to repair a crack I had in my basement, making it unusable due to water seepage at the slightest bit of rain. The kit not only gives you everything you need to complete the job (something unheard of nowadays!) but was thoroughly explained in the accompanying DVD. No kidding, I’m very confident my 12-year old son could’ve performed this repair the DVD was so thorough! I’ve had problems with this crack for several years and with one on the other side of the basement I did the old "back cutting and fill with hydraulic cement" repair only to find water again seeping through only 6 months later. What a mess cutting cement makes! So I searched the net looking for alternatives and yours seemed to be the answer. It was inexpensive, easy, didn’t make a mess of my basement, and lo and behold we’ve had two torrential rain storms within three weeks and NOT A DROP of water!!!!! BONE DRY!!!! And the cost is really not that bad when you consider what a dry basement is worth to you!
I am truly impressed and will tell everyone I know about your products. Your product works, plain and simple, a concept that is harder to find these days!" – Al D., Western NY
Problem: Leaking Crack Products Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
"I’ve had a leak in my basement wall since 1985 when I had a new foundation put under my house. Over the years I’ve tried many different products and methods to try and seal the leak but nothing worked until I tried Radonseal leak repair kit. I was unsure it would work as it’s not the easiest stuff to work with but despite what I thought might be weak spots in my repair, the leaks have been effectively sealed. The first time in 30 plus years I’ve had a dry basement. The directions for applying the epoxy etc need to be followed very carefully. I missed one small step and had to go back and reseal the ports before applying the 2 part epoxy." – William, Trustpilot review
Problem: Leaky Foundation Crack Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"I had 1 vertical crack in my basement that leaked water after a heavy rain. I got quotes from local concrete repair companies to injection seal the crack and the quotes averaged about $1000. I searched online and found your crack seal kit for $125.00. I must admit I was a skeptic at first. If a contractor quoted $1000, your product COULDN’T work for 1/10 the cost! After reading the testimonials on your website, I felt that I owed it to myself (and my budget) to give it a try. I began by removing the drywall around the leak area. I received the kit with the easy to follow directions and went to work. I was impressed that EVERYTHING I needed was in the package from the wire brush to clean the crack to the gloves and even the garbage bag to throw away the waste! I began with the lowest port and SLOWLY added the polyurethane with a standard caulk gun. Patience was key here to ensure that I didn’t fill the crack too quickly. I filled each port until the top and product flowed out the top. It was as easy as you show it to be. We recently had 3 inches of rain in 24 hours and the only puddles of water I see are OUTSIDE in the yard! My basement is bone dry and no longer smells musty and moldy. I am VERY pleased to use a product that works as advertised. I will recommend Radon Seal Crack Injection Kits to ANYONE who needs to fill and seal a problem crack in their foundation. Thanks for making a satisfied customer out of this skeptic!" – Summit Brands, Ben, IN
Problem: Crack in Concrete Block Wall Products Used: ElastiPoxy Joint & Crack Filler Kit
"I would like to take the time to thank you very much for an excellent product for repairing cracks in my basement block walls. My basement walls started getting cracks after a few years. I used many supposedly miracle products to fix the cracks and none worked. All I ever ended up with is a mess and the cracks always coming back. I purchased your epoxy crack filler kit and followed the instructions that your friendly sales staff gave me for applying the crack filler and it has worked perfect. I have not had so much as a hairline crack since applying your product several years ago. Thanks again!" – Brent H, Illinois
Problem: Leaky Basements Products Used: PRO Crack Injection Toolkit
"This is my third time ordering. I buy investment property and for the most part with the price range I deal in, you are buying ‘as is’. So, it happens I’ve had a couple of leaky basements. My first time ordering, I thought what the heck, it’s worth a try. Well, it worked! It saved me thousands I’m sure. Make sure you watch the video. I haven’t had any problems yet." – Debbie B., IN
Problem: Major Leaks in Basements Products Used: PRO Crack Injection Toolkit
have been able to fix two homes with major leaks in the basement walls with this product and am now recommending it to another client. Thank you for making this very user friendly and truly an amazing product that stands up to what it says it can do. You have been able to save a lot of money for my clients. – Construction Girl, Trustpilot review
Problem: Leaking Hairline Crack Products Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
"I had to fix a crack in my poured cement basement wall. It is a very small, hairline crack that runs the height of the wall (about 8 feet). I was getting a small amount of water seeping through the crack after heavy rainfall. Radon Seal sealer solved the problem all by itself – what a great product! Things are thawing up here now and we’ve had a couple of bouts of heavy rainfall, but I am not getting any seepage through the crack at all." – Joe D., MI
Problem: Foundation Cracks, Leaking Pipe Penetration, Radon Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit, PipeTite, RadonSeal
"Dear Radonseal, I am writing to share the amazing results from using your products. Last year I injected several cracks in my foundation, as well as a leaking pipe perforation. My basement has been completely dry. I’m still pleasantly surprised and I can hardly believe these products work as well as promised. Because of that positive experience, I decided to tackle my high radon problem. I applied Radonseal concrete sealer to my basement floor and walls. I waited awhile and then did a radon test. Just as expected, it reduced my radon levels below the limit. I am a very satisfied customer, and I thank you for all the assistance you have given me as I nervously tackled these projects." – Bob B., MO
Problem: Hairline Cracks in Basement Walls Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kits
"You definitely have a wonderful product. I used one crack injection kit at first to see how well the product really does work on poured cement wall cracks (hairline vertical) to stop water leaking into my finished cellar. This is by far the best DO IT YOURSELF product I’ve ever came across. Without hesitation I ordered my second kit for one more crack. This product works Fantastic!!!! No digging outside, but penetrated all the way through to the outside. Instructions were plain and simple and if needed, there is phone support to help with all questions. Contractors quoted me $650.00 a piece to fix them but with your product both cracks were fixed for much less than one by a contractor. Thanks Radon Seal" – Ray B., NY
Problem: Seeping Hairline Cracks Products Used: DIY Foundation Crack Repair Kits
"I don’t normally write testimonials, but I had such amazing results with this product that I felt compelled to share my experience. I had drains installed in my basement this year which I hoped would resolve all my water issues. Much to my surprise, I still had water through tiny cracks in my poured concrete foundation. I got three estimates to fix the crack. The lowest estimate was $600 per crack. Doing my research I came across your company. After speaking with a representative, I ordered my DIY crack repair kit. The instructions and application was so easy. I repaired the cracks 1 day before Hurricane Irene hit. I was so happy to see that no water came into my basement from the cracks I repaired. Unfortunately, other cracks which were not an issue before Irene, leaked. I quickly ordered 3 more repair kits and have had no problems with water in my basement since. I have told all my family, friends and neighbors about this product. It is so nice to find a product that is simple to use and works exactly as it claims. I am a customer for life. Thanks for providing a great product and excellent customer service support." – Lydia H., CT
Problem: Leak Around a Pipe Products Used: PipeTite Gap Filler Kit
"Your PipeTite Injection Kit has successfully fixed the leak around a pipe through my basement wall. It has been leaking for several years. Caulk and hydraulic cement did not work but PipeTite has held over two years now. Thanks!" – Charles M., NY
Problem: Leaking Foundation Cracks Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"I purchased you DIY kit for a 6ft crack on my basement wall which would leak when we have a heavy rain. I was quoted $600.00 by 3 companies to have the crack fixed and paid $148.00 with shipping from Radon Seal. First and the most important, a first grader can use this product. It took me 20 minutes to clean the crack and remove all the paint from the wall, 20 minutes to attach the injector cups and epoxy the wall. After 2 1/2 hours, I started injecting the sealant which took about 20 minutes. That was it, simple, fast and yesterday no leak with the snow melt. I will be buying another kit to fix one more crack on my wall. I will let everyone I know about Radon Seal. Thanks for a great product. P.S. This is my second crack that I did. After doing the first crack last week, I think a 2-year old could do this. My first crack has already worked after completion, (we had a thaw) and no leak. Doing the second job, I could have done it blind folded. This is so simple and saved me over $1200.00 for both cracks. I will be back this spring to buy your cleaner and concrete sealer. Thanks again for the fast shipping and response. Your a class act company" – Mike K., NY
Problem: Large Cracks in Garage Wall Products Used: Easy-Peel DIY Crack Injection Kit
"I have just repaired two large cracks in my garage walls with your Easy-Peel Crack Injection Kit. Thank you for a great product, quality materials, extensive package contents and superior customer service! I will definitely let everyone know who to go to for injection repair." – Chip M., NH
Problem: Black Mold, Foundation Wall Cracks Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit (epoxy)
"I was in the process of remodeling our basement when I discovered black mold behind drywall that covered the outer-wall foundation. Upon further demo, I discovered 2 vertical cracks in the foundation wall allowing water to seep in. I called a well-known local basement sealer company and was quoted $650 to seal one crack. I ordered your epoxy crack repair kit for $190 and sealed the first crack myself in about 4 hours. It worked just as described in the easy-to-follow instructions. Your product really sells itself and I’ll be ordering a 2nd kit to seal the other crack. Many thanks for making our basement dry & mold-free, my children can now play down there without going into an asthmatic attack. Thanks again for a superior product." – John, Woodridge, IL
Problem: Diagonal Crack, Water Seepage Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"Dear RadonSeal, after extensive research, I have decided to order the RadonSeal DIY injection kit from your company to fix a diagonal crack in my basement. On rainy days, water would seep through the crack leaving a huge puddle on the floor. I have now fixed the crack and the basement has been completely dry ever since. Attaching a picture. Thanks," – Ole A., CT

Problem: Severe Leaks through Cracks Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"This is my third time ordering the D-I-Y Concrete Crack Sealer from Radon Seal to fix severely leaking basement walls. I tried it the first time on my worst leaking crack to see how it would work. It was easy and it worked great. After a year, I did my next wall and waited a while before finishing my basement. I’ve had no problems at all since fixing my first crack in 2006. I highly recommend it… The professional crack sealers wanted $550 per crack!. Thanks Radon Seal" – Festus A., MA
Problem: Foundation Crack Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"We have used your product, D-I-Y foundation crack repair kit. What a wonderful product and great service! We had some questions and called the toll free number twice for extra information, the answers were very helpful and the crack is fixed completely. Thank you for all the help. We priced having this crack fixed professionally, the lowest bid was $500! We did it ourselves and saved over $300! We were worried about the odors from the product, they were minimal, and it was easy to use. Thank you for such a great product. Thanks Radon Seal" – John F., CO
Problem: Foundation Crack Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"I just finished a repair on my poured concrete foundation… What a product… works great, just like the CD said it would… It was worth the money… The urethane went right up the crack to the window… sealed everything… Have a 10 inch foundation and it oozed though the inside to the outside… The secret is in the slowness of the application… or the slow squeezing of the caulk gun… Thanks!" – Dan R., NH
Problem: Water Leaks in Basement and Crawlspace Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"I have been living with water infiltration from leaking foundation wall cracks for 20 years. Once I found the RadonSeal website and discovered I could repair these cracks myself, I jumped at the opportunity. I have repaired five cracks, and have three more to go. The attached photo is one of the two repaired cracks in my crawl space. After I repaired these cracks, I covered the crawlspace floor with a concrete slab, and I can now use this space for storage! You have a great, easy to use system. I only wish I repaired these cracks years ago!! Thanks for everything!" – Dan
Problem: Foundation Cracks Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"I am writing to say how pleased we are with the crack repair kit. The product installed exactly as shown in the DVD included with the kit. Our homeowner is thrilled that the foundation crack no longer leaks, despite the heavy rains and flooding we have had here in the midwest. And when the homeowner is happy, everyone is happy! You shipped the kit in record time as well, we will definitely order from RadonSeal again if the need arises." – Varl H., WI
Problem: Foundation Leak Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"I can’t tell you how pleased I am with this product. I have been struggling with a basement leak for years before I discovered Radon Seal’s crack injection kit. I carefully prepped the crack and followed the instructions to the letter (very important!) and held my breath as two major storms approached. We had 10 inches of rain in three days and not a drop of water came through the crack in the basement wall! My mop and bucket days are over! Thank you Radon Seal!!!" – Fred, Trustpilot review
Problem: Hairline Crack in Basement Wall Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"I had a hairline, vertical crack in my poured concrete basement wall that leaked into the basement after some snow that piled up near the house melted. I purchased your low pressure polyurethane injection system. Everything that was needed came in the kit and the repair went exactly as described in your instructional video. The polyurethane foam expanded, filling the crack clear through to the opposite side of the wall and through parts of a temporary cement patch. So, I’m positive that the crack is now filled and sealed, and I have not had any water problems since the repair. I highly recommend RadonSeal’s polyurethane injection system!" – Charles F., WI
Problem: Crack in Foundation Wall Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
“In a day when people have to be on guard over rip offs or companies “over-hyping” products, I must say yours worked flawlessly. A company wanted $720.00 to fill a crack in my foundation wall, needless to say I did for a lot less using your products. All one needs is patience. You were money well spent!” – Philip, Derry, NH
Problem: Foundation Crack Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"Cheryl, I had the chance to use my DIY crack injection kit this weekend and it worked great. I had my doubts that it could be as easy as the video but I was pleased to find out that it really was that easy. No problems at all. Great product! Thanks." – Marty H., MT
Problem: Water Seepage due To Snow Melt Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"I purchased and used your low pressure crack injection kit in my home. After last weekend, with melting snow and rain falling, I had no more leaks. Thank you for a product that does what it supposed to do. I have ordered another kit for my nephew. I am certain he will be as pleased as I am, with your product. Again, thank you. Your CD is great and your product definitely is worth the price. The kit was complete and made the task very easy, even for me!" – Gordon R., IL
Problem: Water Seepage due to Rain Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"Well, it’s been a while since I installed the RadonSeal in the crack in my cellar, which ran from the cellar window to the floor. I wanted to wait a while to make sure it sealed with heavy rains. Every time it rained, I would get water in my cellar but now it is completely DRY. This stuff is GREAT! The only mistake I made was to not remove the epoxy seal that was over the crack. That stuff hardens like a rock – now I have to chisel it off if I want to remove it. But I don’t care if it’s on there as long as the cellar stays dry. Thank you so much for such a great product!" – Del B., MA
Problem: Leaking Hairline Crack Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
Worked Very Well
"I had estimates from 3 different professionals that ranged from about $500-$1500 to fix our minor leak. I saw the RadonSeal how-to video on You-Tube and thought, that can’t be too difficult. Generally, it wasn’t. I repaired about 8 feet of a 10 foot wall in my unfinished basement. I tested it a few times that week before I filled in the hole from the outside that I dug to see what the crack looked like from the outside. (I couldn’t see it – that’s how small our crack was) The repair worked perfectly. A month or two later my repair was tested even more by Hurricane Matthew. The repair I made with RadonSeal worked great again. I even had some small leaks in other places on the wall that I plan to fix with another package of RadonSeal. I can’t vouch for it’s longevity, but it has worked as advertised for almost half-a-year and was tested with the largest rainfall we have experienced in decades. It can be a challenging and slightly messy process because the products cure fast when you mix them, but my wife and I are completely satisfied. Thank you!" – Scott K., Trustpilot
Problem: Foundation Cracks Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
I have used the crack sealer several times with success each time. Used the Easy Peel the last time . It made for easier cleanup and smelled much better the the original . The other kind of smell like a skunk walked by while mixing and applying. – Brian, Trustpilot
Problem: Leaking Thin Crack Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"I had a thin vertical crack in my poured concrete basement walls and every time it rained I would get water seeping in through this hole. I initially thought about using hydraulic cement to fix this leak because I would soon be finishing my basement but after reading about all of the products out there I decided to go with the crack injection system by radon seal. It is not the cheapest way to go but I am now convinced it was the smartest way to spend my money! Everything that I needed arrived in a box neatly arranged. It was very simple to follow the directions provided and even included a CD-ROM with a video for directions. A week later we had a huge round of downpours and thunderstorms and I was so pleasantly surprised to find that everything in my basement was dry this time thanks to this product! A few months later we started finishing off our new dry basement and haven’t looked back since!" – Matthew L., IN
Problem: Leaky Basement Crack Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"Just finished repairing a crack in my basement wall using your D-I-Y Concrete Crack Injection Kits and am quite impressed with the results. The "how to do it" information provided in the kit was easy to understand and the product application was straightforward as depicted in the video. I have included a few pictures of the repairs. Outstanding product and a perfect solution to a leaky crack in our basement. The process worked well and I had only one mishap, the caulking gun slipped out of my hand and broke off the injection port. I just held the port back over the crack until the liquid started coming out of the next higher port. A little messy but worked anyway, just as your video said. Thanks again for such a good product." – Tim O., OR
Problem: Basement Cracks Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kits
"Many thanks for the ultra fast shipment of the concrete crack repair kit ordered the other day and received yesterday. Also one several months ago. The instructions are really great. Almost anyone can do the repairs themselves. A few months ago I used the first kit and this was the first time I even tried to repair my own basement leaks. Many thanks." – John L.P., IL
Problem: Leaking Corner Crack Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit, RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
"Thank you so much for a great product!!!! I have used both the Radon Seal upon completion of my basement and later the poly crack injection kit, to address a leak on the corner of a 14" foundation wall (due to a horrible concrete pour). I had actually gone through all the headaches and steps you describe on your site, during my plight of wrestling with the leaking foundation wall. It was an exact description of what I was dealing with. The injection kit worked like a charm, two years now and NO MORE LEAKING. I am actually doing the other side of the house now, as a preventative measure. Thank you again." – Scott K., PA
Problem: Foundation Crack Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"I received your crack injection kit at my home during the week and performed the application over this past weekend. As advertised, the application went off without a hitch. The installation instructions were put together well and I was very pleased to have the added information available with the included computer CD. Opening the crack-injection kit was almost like unwrapping a present: the kit itself was packaged very well. All the items that I needed to complete the job were included in the kit. I was especially taken by the innovative, convoluted mixing nozzle. What a great way to ensure the 2-part contents of the foam cartridge was mixed!" – Daniel L., CT
Problem: Foundation Crack Products Used: Easy-Peel DIY Crack Injection Kit
"I just wanted to let you know how pleased I am with your product Easy Peel Crack Injection Kit. I repaired a crack in my basement wall and it is working excellent. The instructions were clear and easy to follow!" – Darrell N., MI
Problem: Leaking Hairline Crack Products Used: RadonSeal Concrete Sealer, DIY Crack Injection Kit
Excellent Products
The walls in my basement were seeping water even during light rain. There was also a long crack in my wall running from the basement window to the floor that always leaked water even when it wasn’t raining. Used radonSeal plus and a foam injection kit in my basement almost two months ago. have had several major rains storms since and …no water. NONE! radonseal application could not have been easier. The crack in the wall was very thin, like hairline. had some trouble injection the foam into the thinnest parts. called the 800 number and they told me to put the foam tube in warm water before injecting. that worked great. much easier to inject with the second tube. would recommend these products – Wally, Trustpilot review
Problem: Leaking Crack, Black Mold Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"I had a problem with a crack in my basement wall stretching from the window to the floor. It was a small crack approximately seven feet long and leaked water from the outside of the house into the basement. I ended up with some black mold on the wall studs, wall board, and floor. I ordered the DIY crack injection kit and received it in two days. I watched the video twice and followed the directions step by step. Your directions are very clear and very doable, even for an amateur. The materials acted exactly as described. The sealer penetrated the entire crack through the wall to the outside of the basement. I am confident from what I see at the top of the crack that it penetrated the entire crack as you advertised. It has been about three weeks since I completed the repair and my basement remains dry. I am a very happy customer and would recommend your products and procedures to anyone having a similar problem. Thanks very much for your support and your products" – Jeffrey A., MO
Problem: Leaking Wall Cracks Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"Just want to say thank you for the DIY Crack Injection Kit. I have used it on 2 cracks in my foundation which used to pour in water. Well we just got through with one of the largest rainstorm in over 100 years and both cracks where I used your product were bone dry! Anyone who ever goes to HD or Lowes and buys the hydraulic cement is wasting time and money. I’ll be sure to pass your website around to everyone I know who basement walls leaked this past Nor’Easter." – John C., CT
Problem: Large Foundation Crack Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit (epoxy)
"Last year we started having trouble. Every time it rained, we ended up with a very large puddle of water in our basement bathroom. We took down the wall and found a large crack that ran from the top to the bottom of the foundation. We found your site online and purchased a D-I-Y Crack Repair Kits – Epoxy Injection kit. With the help of your easy instructions, my husband fixed the crack.We have had our share of heavy rain here in New England this summer and no leaks. We decided to buy two more kits for some smaller cracks we have to repair. Thank you!" – Rebecca J, MA
Problem: Foundation Cracks Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kits
"I just wanted to tell you how happy I am with both your product and service. I purchased the Do-it-Yourself Foundation Crack Repair Kit (2 of them actually) and found it to be easy to use and the video instruction very useful. I would highly recommend your product to anyone considering a basement foundation repair. I am a first-timer doing anything like this so I was a bit intimidated at first, but I took my time, and the results were great. Your response time to my placing my order was excellent and I can’t tell you how much work this product has saved me. Thank you again for your help!" – Darcy Q., Manitoba
Problem: Basement Wall Cracks Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"I used your crack injection kit this weekend to seal a few cracks in my basement and found all the materials and information very useful, straightforward, and complete. Everything went very smoothly thanks to the comprehensiveness of the kit. You guys put together a great product. Hopefully it will do the trick and keep my basement dry." – Scott D., PA
Problem: Foundation Cracks Products Used: PRO Crack Injection Kit
"I’m fortunate to have done enough research to find your site. The foundation crack in my basement was starting to allow rainwater to flow way too easily. The crack repair products that you sell are a life saver for my basement. I actually purchased the 30ft professional kit and was glad that I did. I’ve fixed two cracks in my basement with great results. This product just works…period!" – Kevin, Trustpilot review
Problem: Foundation Cracks Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"Hi, my name is Ron, Last year, I ordered one of your foundation crack repair kits to try on one of the four cracks I have in my foundation. I have just checked outside and inside to see if it is still in good shape and I am happy to say it is in the same shape as when I got done doing it and I have not had a drop of water since I fixed it. Thank you for a having such a good product! I’m going to be ordering soon to fix the other three cracks." – Ron F., WI
Problem: Foundation Crack Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"Thanks very much for your DIY Crack Kit. I was very impressed with the clarity and detail of the instructions! It was as easy to use as described and I would definitely recommend it to anyone I talk to." – Paul A., Calgary, Alberta
Problem: Concrete Foundation Cracks Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kits
"I wanted to let you know I have come back to you for a 2nd order of the foundation crack repair kit due to the fact that the first one I ordered from you worked great! Everything you said about how well this product works including easy installation was absolutely true. Thanks for bringing this product to Homeowners." – Donna M.N., MA
Problem: Basement Crack Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"I just finished using your crack injection kit and am very pleased with the results. I had a new home built in 2007 with a full basement. There was a vertical crack under a corner of my basement window and it let moisture into the basement. I viewed your video online and it made perfect sense to be able to repair these cracks from the inside rather than try to seal them from the outside by digging under the window well and somehow re-applying sealer to the foundation. I found your instructions simple to follow and had no surprises when I put on the ports, applied the epoxy sealer and finally, applied water and injected the polyurethane into the crack. I know the foam penetrated, because the window well had a part of the foundation exposed and the foam expanded clear to the outside!" – David S., Utah
Problem: Foundation Cracks Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"Your “Do It Yourself Crack Injection Kit” worked very well. So well, in fact, that I plan to ad it as a service to my future customers. Not only does it work but you instruction guide and how to video were clear and easy to follow. I look forward to a continued business relationship with RadonSeal." – Vernon "Skip" Barnes, MD
Problem: Foundation Cracks Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"I just repaired two cracks in our poured concrete foundation using your Do-It-Yourself Crack Injection Kit. What a GREAT product! It was much easier to use than I anticipated and having done the work, I know it was done right so I’m not second guessing the repair. It was a painless project. :-)" – Mark G., OH
Problem: Hairline Crack in Basement Wall Products Used: LastiSeal Brick & Masonry Sealer
"I had hairline crack in basement wall. It is poured concrete. I coated the outside wall with LastiSeal Brick & Masonry Sealer and haven’t had any leakage since." – Mike P., PA
Problem: Leaking Stress Cracks in Floor Products Used: CrackWeld Floor Repair Kit
"Thank you for your great product! It has saved me hundreds of dollars in repairs. The Radon Seal CrackWeld sealed the stress cracks that were previously leaking water. I will most definitely be purchasing more seal in the future. Thanks again." – Greg G., GA
Problem: Cracks in Driveway and Garage Products Used: CrackWeld Concrete Floor Repair Kit
"I used your CrackWeld 4-pack to fill many hairline cracks and several 1/4 inch cracks on my driveway and garage. I read your instruction sheet several times and watched the on line video. Once I did a couple areas, I got better at it. I bought a 50 lb bag of Silica Sand from Menards. It was only $4.00 and it sure came in handy. I had about a total 150 feet of cracks and having the extra sand made it much easier. Also, instead of getting down on my knees and scraping with a putty knife and sand paper, I used my ice scrapper that I use in the winter time to scrape ice from my porch and sidewalk. The ice scraper has a long pole on it like a shovel and I was able to scrape down the lines very easy with it. I did get down on some areas and hit it with sand paper but not really much. My driveway and garage are over 30 years old and some of my neighbors, in the last few years had spent thousands of dollars to have their driveway repaired because of cracks. I am glad I found your product and was able to use it effectively while my cracks were still pretty small. I was able to do all this with your product all by myself. I will be buying more CrackWeld to do some hairline cracks in my basement too." – Dan B., WI
Problem: Cracks in Basement Floor Products Used: CrackWeld Floor Repair Kit
"Used the crackweld repair kit to fill in cracks in basement floor where water would seep in during heavy rains. This product works!! Another wet spring and there is no water coming in through the floor. DIY installation is simple after watching the video. Would highly recommend, well worth the money." – Jon, Trustpilot review
Problem: Crack in Garage Floor Products Used: CrackWeld Concrete Floor Repair Kit
"I live in San Juan Capistrano, CA and a few days ago we had a small 3.6 earthquake and this is about a week after I used the CrackWeld to fill small and large cracks in my garage concrete. I checked the cracks after I got home from work and no separation and the seal looked just like it was before the quake. I was impressed that it help up to the stress of a small earth quake. Thanks for a great product." – Romeo F., CA
Problem: Basement Floor Crack Products Used: CrackWeld Concrete Floor Repair Kit, RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
"These products beat all competition hands down!
I’m not sure what you are looking for but I do know that you are looking for a solution to a problem that you have. Mine was cracks in a concrete floor that would literally flood the basement in 6 inches of water. Everybody kept looking for a broken pipe but never found one. You could tell the walls got wet from the bottom up and after I pulled the carpet up all the cracks were exposed. Basically with lots of rain or snow melt the water table rises and that’s when it comes up through the floor. Somehow I came across this site, Thank God, because they had the only stuff in the world that would fix it, and I did my research too. I live on the far west corner of the states and their warehouse is on the far east. In 5 days from ordering, my problem was solved!" – Doug W., Trustpilot review
Problem: Seeping Floor Crack Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit
"Just spent the day injecting a worrisome crack in my sub-floor with your crack injection kit – it worked flawlessly, just as advertised. The foam continued to expand and bubble out of numerous pinholes all along the crack over a period of many hours, an indication that the crack has filled completely with foam, which obviously means that it won’t be an available passage for moisture! The directions were easy to follow, and the process was surprisingly quick. Provided that the floor no longer leeched moisture, I am and will be a very happy customer; all other options were very expensive." – Jay W., CA
Problem: Leaking Cracks in Concrete Slab Products Used: DIY Crack Injection Kit, DIY Crack Injection Kit (epoxy)
“Thank you for providing a solution to a very unique water leak/problem. I ordered the Concrete Crack Polyurethane Injection Repair kit and the Concrete Crack Injection Epoxy Repair Kit. They both worked exactly as described and saved me several thousand dollars in repair costs in that I did not have to dig up a 10’x20′ concrete slab which also acts as our basement ceiling.” – Rick H., WA
Problem: Garage Floor Crack Products Used: ElastiPoxy Joint & Crack Filler Kit
“Your ElastiPoxy Crack Filler Kit worked perfectly. The crack in my garage floor was quite large, but dormant. Average width about 0.5″ up to 1″ wide. I’m very happy with your ElastiPoxy Crack Filler. Using a grinder with masonry wheel, I leveled the edges of the crack so they were in the same plane. Removed dust and debris with air compressor and shop vacuum. Filled the crack with sand to within about 2 inches of surface. Sealed sand with a layer of concrete caulk and let dry to prevent epoxy from seeping into sand. I expected to do multiple pours of epoxy to fill the crack but just two pours were needed. I sliced away excess epoxy with single edge razor blade held securely in small vise grip pliers. Remaining low spots and bubbles were filled using a paint brush dipped in epoxy. This technique worked nicely. Once set completely, I used a 36 grit grinding disc in my Baby Makita to level and match the epoxy with crack edges. This worked perfectly. Grinding discs lasted for 6′ to 8′ of crack length. Note that cured epoxy did not clog the grinding disc. Filled about 20 feet of small crack, too. Average width about 3/16″ plus or minus 1/8″. For me, the easiest way to get epoxy to crack was with a 2″ wide plastic putty knife. Dipped the knife in epoxy and let it drain from the edge (held vertically) into the crack. Then, I sprinkled masonry sand onto epoxy to keep it from draining away. Once set, I returned to fill gaps. When completely cured, I used the same grinding technique to finish the crack.
Results are very satisfactory and pleasing. Your product is the best!” – Louis H., WA
Problem: Cracks and Spalls in Pool Deck Products Used: ElastiPoxy Joint & Crack Filler Kit
"I am totally satisfied with RadonSeal’s Elastic Epoxy Crack Filler Kit. I appreciate your service and rapid delivery. The included application guidelines provided all necessary information needed to develop individual application techniques for repairing gouges, spalls, chipped edges, control joints, and cracks in a swimming pool deck. Quality of repairs made with Epoxy Crack Filler is excellent! Play sand, which is available in many colors, could be mixed with Epoxy Crack Filler to closely match the color of my “PolyPave” finish. Small batches with a 2:1 ratio of sand to Epoxy Crack Filler were conducted to test the results. A hairline to 1/8” wide crack was a great concern. I mixed only enough Crack Filler at a time to halfway fill a squeeze bottle (mustard). By repeated passes, I filled the entire length of the crack to within ½ inch of the surface. The repair was completed with a 1:1 ratio of sand to Epoxy Crack Filler Mix and followed by sprinkling it with sand." – William C S., IN
Problem: Leaky Floor-to-Wall Joint Products Used: ElastiPoxy
“I just want to thank you for your product, it was a no brainer to mix and apply. The first picture is with the epoxy first and the second one is with sand mix applied in the basement of my daughters home in Mullica Hill, New Jersey on Thursday 3rd of Oct (2013). Her basement has always been wet and leaked every time it rained. I waited until it rained where she lives to find out what the basement looked like, and lo and behold her basement is still dry after a heavy rain on Friday night Oct.4th. ” – Charles Y., NJ
Problem:Leak in Concrete Roof Products Used: ElastiPoxy, RadonSeal Concrete Sealer
"I’m very happy with your ElastiPoxy Crack Filler and Radon Seal. For years I’ve been trying to solve a leaking concrete roof problem by buying stuff from Home Depot, and finally I got something that does the job correctly." – Glen J., NJ
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